Economic Update Indonesia: Inflation, Trade Balance & Manufacturing Activity

Update Ekonomi

Beberapa data ekonomi yang penting dirilis Badan Pusat Statistik. Economic Update Indonesia: Inflation, Trade Balance & Manufacturing Activity

Bank Indonesia Press Release: Trade Balance and Inflation Update

Inflasi & Neraca Perdagangan

Analisis bank sentral tentang inflasi dan neraca perdagangan. Bank Indonesia Press Release: Trade Balance and Inflation Update

Performance of the Indonesian Rupiah & Stocks in the Past Week

Pasar Saham & Rupiah

Bagaimana kinerja saham dan rupiah? Performance of the Indonesian Rupiah & Stocks in the Past Week

Battle Jokowi-Prabowo; Democratic Future of Indonesia in Jeopardy?

Demokrasi di Indonesia

Demokrasi di Indonesia. Battle Jokowi-Prabowo; Democratic Future of Indonesia in Jeopardy?

Indonesia’s New Parliament Inaugurated; Clash on Speaker Voting

Masalah Politik

Dua kubu di parlemen 'bentrok' dalam seminggu terakhir. Indonesia’s New Parliament Inaugurated; Clash on Speaker Voting

Initial Public Offering (IPO) Indonesia’s Taxi Operator Blue Bird

Penawaran Umum Perdana

Blue Bird Group menyiapkan penawaran umum perdana di BEI: Initial Public Offering (IPO) Indonesia’s Taxi Operator Blue Bird

Plantations Bill Indonesia: No Further Limit to Foreign Ownership

Undang-Undang Perkebunan

DPR meloloskan RUU perkebunan baru. Plantations Bill Indonesia: No Further Limit to Foreign Ownership

Consumer Confidence in Indonesia Falls Slightly in September

Keyakinan Konsumen

Karena kekhawatiran tentang harga BBM bersubsidi yang dinaikkan, Consumer Confidence in Indonesia Falls Slightly in September

Internet in Indonesia: Internet Connection Speed Remains Weak

Internet di Indonesia

Kualitas koneksi Internet di Indonesia masih kurang. Internet in Indonesia: Internet Connection Speed Remains Weak

Overview of Termination Compensation in Indonesia

Layanan Nasihat Hukum

Pengantar hal-hal hukum di Indonesia: Overview of Termination Compensation in Indonesia

Investment Summit 2015

Investment Summit 2015

Even di Indonesia: Indonesia Investment Summit 2015

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