Indonesia's Trade and Inflation Data Cause Positive Start of the Year

Rekening Transaksi Berjalan

Tanda perbaikan stabilitas keuangan: Indonesia's Trade and Inflation Data Cause Positive Start of the Year

Regulation and Supervision on Banking Sector Transferred to the OJK

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

Sebuah lembaga baru dalam sektor jasa keuangan Indonesia: Regulation and Supervision on Banking Sector Transferred to the OJK

Indonesia's December 2013 Inflation at 0.55% and Full-Year 2013 at 8.38%

Update Inflasi Desember

Inflasi di Indonesia masih tinggi tetapi terkendali: Indonesia's December 2013 Inflation at 0.55% and Full-Year 2013 at 8.38%

Indonesia Stock Exchange Expects 30 Companies to Conduct IPO in 2014

Penawaran Umum Perdana

Meskipun konteks ekonomi internasional dan nasional tidak pasti Indonesia Stock Exchange Expects 30 Companies to Conduct IPO in 2014

Car Sales in Indonesia Expected to Rise in 2014 amid Political Elections

Penjualan Mobil di Indonesia

Indikator penting ekonomi: Car Sales in Indonesia Expected to Rise in 2014 amid Political Elections

 Two Indonesian Airlines Plan Corporate Actions for Business Expansion

Penerbangan di Indonesia

Ekspansi bisnis di industri penerbangan di Indonesia: Two Indonesian Airlines Plan Corporate Actions for Business Expansion

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