At first, the large-scale social restrictions (in Indonesian: Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar, or PSBB) were imposed in Jakarta for the duration of two weeks, starting from 10 April 2020 (up to 24 April). However, most people assumed that the restrictions would be extended, and possibly even intensified, by the Jakarta administration as the end of the COVID-19 crisis is not in sight yet in Indonesia.

In fact, while the latest developments suggest that the peak in COVID-19 infections and fatalities has passed in hardest-hit nations in the West (such as the United States, Spain, and Italy) as well as China, the peak is still to come in Indonesia. Indonesian virologists expect this peak to come somewhere between mid-May and end-June 2020.


This article discusses the following:

 What exactly are these large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) – and other measures. And, how does the mechanism work for an Indonesian region to impose PSBB?

What are the specific regulations (set in Jakarta Gubernatorial Regulation No. 33/2020) for restaurants, transportation, and people's behavior?

It has been several weeks since the PSBB was imposed in Jakarta. Can we see some results already? Is the PSBB in Jakarta working?

What is undermining effectiveness of Jakarta's PSBB? Conflicting regulations, weak cooperation/coordination between separate ministries, between central and regional authorities, and between separate regional authorities.

This article is part of the April 2020 update. To purchase the report, please send an email to [email protected] or a WA text message to +62(0)8788.410.6944 for further information.

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Price per edition:

• IDR 150,000
• USD $10
• EUR €10
• SGD S$15

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