Just like five years earlier, Indonesia’s 2019 presidential election was a close race between Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto; two men who – in many ways – are the complete opposite of each other.

And just like Indonesia’s presidential election in 2014, the 2019 edition was a divisive one for the Indonesian people as the two candidates are seen taking the nation into quite different directions: Subianto is perceived as the strong leader who can guide the government back to a (modern version of a) ‘New Order-ish’ regime, while Widodo is regarded the more forward-looking character embracing globalization (and accepting the growing impact of foreign influences on the Indonesian economy and society as a result of globalization).


Read the full article in the December 2019 report

This article discusses:

The divisive political year of 2019
Rising influence of Islam on Indonesian politics
Stabilizing political landscape - and the positive impact on the investment environment - after the election result and after new cabinet line-up
Are the new omnibus bills a solution?
The challenging global political and economic environment that impacts negatively on the Indonesian economy
Is economic growth around 5% the 'new normal' for Indonesia?
What are the 'things to watch' in 2020 (because they can impact on the business and investment environments of Indonesia)?
