In the month of November the Indonesian rupiah appreciated 5.83 percent from IDR 15,227 per US dollar on the last trading day of October to IDR 14,339 per US dollar at the last trading day of November (based on Bank Indonesia’s benchmark JISDOR rate). However, year-to-date the rupiah still lost 5.84 percent of its value against the greenback, despite the strong rebound over the past weeks.

Indonesian Rupiah versus US Dollar (JISDOR):

| Source: Bank Indonesia


This articles discusses:

the performance of the Indonesian rupiah versus the US dollar in November 2018
the longer-term factors that are putting pressure on the rupiah

Read the full article in the November 2018 edition of our monthly research report. You can purchase this report by sending an email to [email protected] or a WhatsApp message to the following number: +62(0)8788.410.6944
